Computer Science and Engineering

Unique and positive points of the program are:

  1. The Programme curriculum is a unique combination of courses covering core fundamentals in computer science along with advanced topics aligned with the distinct research areas of our faculty.
  2. Elective courses and research work span across three spines namely, Theory (logic, graph theory, algorithms), Systems (computer architecture, computer networks, parallel programming), Intelligent Systems (ML and AI).
  3. Flexible curriculum with options to pursue research projects from as early as 5th semester.

Notable achievements from the students(present or pass-out) of the program are:

  1. Students of the CSE department have secured admissions for graduates studies in prestigious universities like Columbia, Georgia Tech, University of Southern California etc.
  2. Ms. Charu Agarwal, a student of the CSE department, was selected for the S. N. Bose Scholars Program.
  3. A team comprising of students from the CSE department have secured third place in The Embedded Security Challenge (ESC) conducted by NYU Tandon School of Engineering and IIT Kanpur in 2020.