
Displaying 801 - 820 of total 820 publications
Source: Scopus
  • 801. Sarma B.D.; Dey A.; Lalhminghlui W.; Gogoi P.; Sarmah P.; Prasanna S.R.M., "Robust Mizo digit recognition using data augmentation and tonal information", Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody , 2018.
  • 802. Baghel S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Guha P., "Excitation source feature for discriminating shouted and normal speech", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications , 2018.
  • 803. De Schepper A.; Sastry N.S.N.; Van Maldeghem H., "Correction to: Split buildings of type F4 in buildings of type E6 (Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, (2018), 88, 1, (97-160), 10.1007/s12188-017-0190-5)", Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg , 2018.
  • 804. Zhang Y.; Pitchiaya S.; Cieślik M.; Niknafs Y.S.; Tien J.C.-Y.; Hosono Y.; Iyer M.K.; Yazdani S.; Subramaniam S.; Shukla S.K.; Jiang X.; Wang L.; Liu T.-Y.; Uhl M.; Gawronski A.R.; Qiao Y.; Xiao L.; Dhanasekaran S.M.; Juckette K.M.; Kunju L.P.; Cao X.; Patel U.; Batish M.; Shukla G.C.; Paulsen M.T.; Ljungman M.; Jiang H.; Mehra R.; Backofen R.; Sahinalp C.S.; Freier S.M.; Watt A.T.; Guo S.; Wei J.T.; Feng F.Y.; Malik R.; Chinnaiyan A.M., "Analysis of the androgen receptor-regulated lncRNA landscape identifies a role for ARLNC1 in prostate cancer progression", Nature Genetics , 2018.
  • 805. Bharath B.N.; Nagananda K.G.; Gunduz D.; Poor H.V., "Caching with Time-Varying Popularity Profiles: A Learning-Theoretic Perspective", IEEE Transactions on Communications , 2018.
  • 806. Khadirnaikar S.; Narayanan S.P.; Shukla S.K., "Decoding the LncRNA transcriptome of esophageal cancer: Identification of clinically relevant LncRNAs", Biomarkers in Medicine , 2018.
  • 807. Xiao L.; Tien J.C.; Vo J.; Tan M.; Parolia A.; Zhang Y.; Wang L.; Qiao Y.; Shukla S.; Wang X.; Zheng H.; Su F.; Jing X.; Luo E.; Delekta A.; Juckette K.M.; Xu A.; Cao X.; Alva A.S.; Kim Y.; MacLeod A.R.; Chinnaiyan A.M., "Epigenetic reprogramming with antisense oligonucleotides enhances the effectiveness of androgen receptor inhibition in castration-resistant prostate cancer", Cancer Research , 2018.
  • 808. Kumar S.; Rajeswara Rao M.; Ravikanth M., "Stable Core-Modified Doubly N-Fused Expanded Dibenziporphyrinoids", Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2018.
  • 809. Jelil S.; Kalita S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Sinha R., "Exploration of compressed ILPR features for replay attack detection", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 810. Kalayappan R.; Sarangi S.R., "Providing accountability in heterogeneous systems-on-chip", ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems , 2018.
  • 811. Vikram C.M.; Tripathi A.; Kalita S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Estimation of hypernasality scores from cleft lip and palate speech", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 812. Isar P.; Rajeswara Rao M.; Ravikanth M., "Synthesis, Characterization, Sensing, and Coordination Properties of trans-Homoporphodimethenes", European Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2018.
  • 813. Sudro P.N.; Kalita S.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R., "Processing transition regions of glottal stop substituted /s/ for intelligibility enhancement of cleft palate speech", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 814. Kothapalli V.; Sarma B.D.; Dey A.; Gogoi P.; Lalhminghlui W.; Sarmah P.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Nirmala S.R.; Sinha R., "Robust Recognition of Tone Specified Mizo Digits Using CNN-LSTM and Nonlinear Spectral Resolution", INDICON 2018 - 15th IEEE India Council International Conference , 2018.
  • 815. Mandal S.; Choudhury H.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Sundaram S., "DNN-HMM Based large vocabulary online handwritten assamese word recognition system", Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, ICFHR , 2018.
  • 816. Vikram C.M.; Mahadeva Prasanna S.R.; Abraham A.K.; Pushpavathi M.; Girish K.S., "Detection of glottal activity errors in production of stop consonants in children with cleft lip and palate", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH , 2018.
  • 817. Dubey A.K.; Prasanna S.R.M.; Dandapat S., "Hypernasality detection using zero time windowing", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications , 2018.
  • 818. Kumar A.; Rajeswara Rao M.; Lee W.-Z.; Ravikanth M., "Hybrid Macrocycles of Subporphyrins and Triphyrins", Organic Letters , 2017.
  • 819. Sharma R.; Rao M.R.; Ravikanth M., "α-Pyrrolyl dipyrrins as suitable ligands for coordination chemistry", Coordination Chemistry Reviews , 2017.
  • 820. Mulla A.K.; Anand D.; Chakraborty D.; Belur M.N., "Leader selection for minimum-time consensus in multi-agent networks", 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2017 , 2017.